Contact Lens Examinations in Gillette & Sheridan
When you decide to visit our optometry clinics in Gillette and Sheridan, you may want to consider a contact lens exam. Depending on your goals for your eyes and the corrective measures you prefer, an exam may help with your plans. At WyoVision Associates, we offer annual contact lens exams to help with your visual health.
What is a Contact Lens Exam?
Contact lens exams in Sheridan or Gillette refer to a process of checking on your vision and ensuring that you are healthy enough to wear contact lenses. An optometrist checks on your vision and provides a contact lens prescription that corrects the underlying complications to your visual health.
The prescription may correct astigmatism, nearsightedness, farsightedness or other concerns with your eyes. Generally, the exam also allows a professional to measure your eyes and ensure that you obtain the correct size for your eyes. The goal of the exam is finding the right contacts for your eyes and your specific concerns about your vision. Keep in mind that specialized lenses may have more complex exams to ensure that you have the correct type of lenses for your eyes.
Why Consider the Exam from Optometrists in Sheridan and Gillette WY?
Optometrists in Sheridan and Gillette WY offer an exam to help identify your specific needs. At our clinics, we check on your current vision and we may notice changes to your vision that require an adjustment to your contact lens prescription. You also want to consider the exams when you have never worn contact lenses or when you are considering different lenses for an adjustment to your current lifestyle.
Always consider the exam when you want to wear contact lenses instead of glasses. While the prescription for your eyes may not change, the exam ensures that your eyes are healthy enough for the lenses and that you have the correct size.
When to Get the Exam
Always get a contact lens exam when you plan to start wearing the lenses or when you want to make a change to your current lenses. Contact lens exams in Sheridan or Gillette allow a professional to ensure that the new materials are appropriate for your eyes or to make suggestions regarding your options for your lifestyle.
You also want annual contact lens exams after the initial exam to check on your eyes and ensure that your lenses remain effective for your eyes. Since your vision may change over time, an annual exam allows you to stay up-to-date with your prescription and the needs of your eyes. You may want more regular exams if you notice changes to your eyes. Older adults, teenagers and pregnant women should consider bi-annual exams due to potential changes to their eyes and vision.
A contact lens exam allows you to correct your vision and catch problems at an early stage. When you want to start wearing contacts or when you want to change the contact lenses you wear, call (307) 673-5177 (Sheridan Location) or (307) 682-2747 (Gillette Location) today.